The database will present stageworks of European theatre, opera and ballet with ‘turkish-oriental’ sujets (so called 'Türkenstücke', 'Türkenopern' and 'Türkenballete') from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. The table is divided in various sortable columns (among others: author, author/second language, title, title/second language, sub-title, genre, print-location, printer, date, manuscript, format, medium, language, source).
The test version of the current two tables includes stageworks of the eighteenth century written in German language as well as Ballets and Dance and is a first step towards the complete database. Most of the information for these tables was taken from Reinhart Meyer's Bibliographia dramatica et dramaticorum, Abt. II. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993 ff and from Claudio Sartori's I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800. Catalogo analitico con 16 indici. Cuneo: Bertola & Locatelli, 1990. This tables and also the entire database will be updated continuously. If you do have any suggestions for additions or alterations, please do not hestiate to contact us at office(at)donjuanarchiv(dot)at.
Projektleitung: Michael Hüttler
Projektmitarbeit: Inge Praxl