Don Juan Archiv - Wien, Forschungsverlag


Pernerstorfer, Matthias J.

Born in 1976, Eggenburg, Lower Austria. He studied theatre, film and media in Vienna and Munich, having completed a dissertation on the character of the parasite in Ancient Greek Comedy (2001). He received a fellowship (DOC) from the Austrian Academy of Sciences for a thesis on the Colax of Menander from 2003 to 2005. Afterwards he worked for the Viennese Da Ponte Institute for Libretto Studies, Don Juan Research und History of Collecting from 2005 to 2006. Since 2007 he is member of the Don Juan Archiv Wien, working on different projects on the popular theatre in Vienna in the 18th and 19th centuries. Since 2011 he is director of the Don Juan Archiv Wien.

Publications on Ancient Greek Comedy and Viennese Theatre, including „Karl von Marinellis Spaziergang in den Prater“, Nestroyana 2009, Heft 1–2 (2009), pp. 23–32; „Editions and Cultural Translations. Der 30-jährige ABC-Schütz in German Speaking Lands“, in: Federico Italiano and Michael Rössner (eds.), Translation. Narration, Media and the Staging of Differences, Bielefeld: Transcript 2012, pp. 121–142; „Ferdinand Raimund in Telč. Zu Schlosstheater und Theaterbibliothek der Grafen Podstatzky-Lichtenstein“, Nestroyana 32, Heft 1–2 (2012), pp. 33–46; „'Aus Höll’ & Krieg zurückgekehrt'. Ödön von Horváth // Typus Don Juan”, in: Tanz & Archiv 6 (2015), pp. 136–143.
Menanders Kolax. Ein Beitrag zu Rekonstruktion und Interpretation der Komödie. Mit Edition und Übersetzung der Fragmente und Testimonien sowie einem dramaturgischen Kommentar, Berlin – New York: De Gruyter 2009 (= Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 99). Theater in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts. Ein Lexikon. Neu bearbeitete, deutschsprachige Ausgabe, ed. by Alena Jakubcová and M. J. P., Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2013 (= Theatergeschichte Österreichs X: Donaumonarchie/Heft 6); Adolf Primmer, Texte zur Handlungsgliederung in Nea und Palliata, ed. by M. J. P. and Alfred Dunshirn, Berlin – New York: De Gruyter 2015 (= Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 118).
Editor of volumes in series of the Don Juan Archiv Wien: Bibliographica 1 (2012) & 2 (2015), Summa Summarum 1 (2012) & 2 (2014), volume 3 (2016) together with Milada Jonášová.
Co-editor of the series Bibliographica, Specula Spectacula, Summa Summarum and Theatralia.

Siglum: mjp

Project management: Opern- und TheaterrepertoireArchive, Bibliotheken & Sammlungen, Ariensammlung, Der 30-jährige ABC-Schütz, Forschungsgespräche

E-Mail: matthias.j.pernerstorfer(at)donjuanarchiv(dot)at


Dunlop, Alison J. (* 4th July 1985; † 18th July 2013)

Alison Dunlop was born in 1985 in Northern Ireland. She completed a doctoral dissertation on the composer Gottlieb Muffat (1690-1770) at Queen's University Belfast under the supervision of Professors Yo Tomita and Ian Woodfield having earlier graduated with a BA in Modern Greek and Music (first class honours), and a MA in Music (distinction). She simultaneously studied piano with Roy Holmes at the Dublin Conservatory of Music and Drama and has performed at venues across Ireland. Before coming to Vienna she taught music privately and was a teaching assistant at Queen's University where she also organised several events; most recently she was joint co-ordinator of the 14th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music. Her current area of research is focused on musicians at the Viennese imperial court in the 18th century. She has published on various aspects of keyboard music and source studies and presented at academic gatherings in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. The Life and Works of Gottlieb Muffat (1690-1770). A Documentary Biography. Catalogue of Works and Sources (Wien: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag) was published in 2013.

The Don Juan Archiv Wien is greatly saddened by the tragic and unexpected departure of Dr. Alison J. Dunlop. She passed away on 18th July 2013. [in memoriam]


Eisendle, Reinhard

Born in Villach (Carinthia, Austria) he studied sociology, pedagogy, German philology and philosophy in Klagenfurt and Vienna; and directed cultural studies projects at the Interuniversitary Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research. Conducted cultural-historical and theatre-historical research at the Don Juan Archiv Wien and at Da Ponte Institut until the latter’s closure in 2009 – finally as director of departments of Libretto studies and Don Juan Research. His research interests are: theatrical censorship and intertextuality of eighteen century opera texts. He also works as a co-curator of exhibitions like Salieri sulle tracce di Mozart (Milan, Palazzo Reale 2004); Lorenzo da Ponte – Aufbruch in die neue Welt (Vienna, Jüdisches Museum 2006); Mozart. Experiment Aufklärung im Wien des späten 18. Jahrhunderts (Vienna, Albertina 2006). He is the author of “Il Dissoluto punito. Riflessioni dentro lo stanza degli specchi”, in: Aldo Toffoli/Giampaolo Zagonel (ed.): Lorenzo Da Ponte. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studio 2002, Vittorio Veneto 2004, pp. 39-57; “Il poeta bizzarro. Da Pontes Memorie beyond fiction and facticity”, in: Michael Hüttler (ed.): Lorenzo da Ponte. Maske und Kothurn, 52 (2006), Heft 4, Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau 2007, pp. 157-171; “Don Giovanni in Böhmen. Die Prager Don Juan-Opern vor Mozart im Kontext der europäischen Sujetgeschichte”, in: Tomislav Volek, Milada Jonášová (ed.): Bohemikální aspekty zivota a díla W. A. Mozarta, Prag 2012, in print. And others.

E-Mail: reinhard.eisendle(at)donjuanarchivdot)at


Gruber, Andrea

Studied Library and Informations Studies at the Austrian National Library in cooperation with the University of Vienna, and Political Science with a focus on Gender Studies at the University of Salzburg. Before working in the department for reference and information services at the Austrian National Library, she was responsible for account management, controlling and project management in computing service companies, and worked at the department of women’s and gender studies at the University of Linz. Since December 2012 she works at the Don Juan Archiv Wien as librarian.
Publications, together with Matthias J. Pernerstorfer: "Bibliografische Forschung als Grundlage für Digitalisierungsprojekte. Oder: 'Theaterpublizistik 1750 – 1918 digital'", in: AKMB-news 21, Heft 1 (2015), pp. 18-21 and "Ein Ort für theatergeschichtliche Forschungsmaterialien: die Sammlung Otmar Seemann zur Verlagsbuchhandlung Wallishausser im Don Juan Archiv Wien", in: Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Buchforschung in Österreich, Heft 2 (2015), pp. 7-21.

E-Mail: andrea.gruber(at)donjuanarchiv(dot)at


Hüttler, Michael

Dr.phil., studied theatre, film and media studies as well as journalism and communication studies at Vienna University; worked in a bank for several years prior to studying. Has been teaching at Yeditepe University Istanbul (2001 - 2003) and at Vienna University, Department for Theatre-, Film- and Mediastudies (2003-2010). He has been conducting research for the Da Ponte Institute and the Don Juan Archiv Wien since 2001. 2007-2011 he has been director of Don Juan Archiv Wien, since 2011 he is director of the Hollitzer Verlag

Current research focuses on forms of music and popular theatre in the eighteenth century and the "turkish-oriental sujet" in European theatre. 

Publications on Mozart, Theatre-Ethnology, Business-Theatre, and Experimental Theatre in Austria, including (ed.) Aufbruch zu neuen Welten: Theatralität an der Jahrtausendwende (Frankfurt/Main 2000); (ed.) Theater. Begegnung. Integration? (Frankfurt/Main 2003); Unternehmenstheater. Vom Theater der Unterdrückten zum Theater der Unternehmer? (Stuttgart 2005); (ed.) Hermann Nitsch. Wiener Vorlesungen (Vienna 2005); (ed.) Lorenzo Da Ponte (Vienna 2007), (ed.) Il Corpo del Teatro (Vienna, 2010), TheMA – Open Access Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts (since 2012), Ottoman Empire and European Theater I (2013), II (2014), III (2015), IV (2016) and V (forthcoming).

Siglum: mh

Project management: PublikationenEdition Joseph FriebertBastien und Bastienne, Ottoman Empire and European Theatre
E-Mail: michael.huettler(at)donjuanarchiv(dot)at


Suner, Suna

Suna Suner (Dr. phil., M.A.) is a theatre scholar and stage performer. Born in Ankara, she received her B.A. in Conference Translation & Interpretation from Hacettepe University. She taught at Istanbul Bilgi University between the years 1996–2002 and in 2004 received her M.A. degree in Performing Arts from Middlesex University in London. She has continued her stage and performance work mainly in Istanbul and Vienna (1995–2017). Since 2007 she has been a member of Don Juan Archiv Wien’s team, conducting research in theatre and diplomatic history in an Ottoman-European context. Since 2008 she has co-directed the project line “Ottomania” and organized Don Juan Archiv Wien’s international symposia series “Ottoman Empire & European Theatre”. In 2013 she received her doctoral degree from the Institute of Theatre, Film & Media Studies at the University of Vienna. Since 2016 she conducts Don Juan Archiv’s newly launched conference series Diplomatica together with Reinhard Eisendle. Other projects at Don Juan Archiv Wien include “Theatre and Diplomacy”, “Sefâretnâmes – Ottoman Embassy Reports Edition”, “İlber Ortaylı Lectures” and “Ottoman Roundtables”.

Siglum: ss

E-Mail: suna.suner(at)donjuanarchiv(dot)at


Weidinger, Hans Ernst (* 29 July 1949; † 24 February 2023)

Gewerke, Dr. phil., studied law, classical languages, theatre studies and art history at Vienna University, and dance, voice and piano in Vienna and Prague; has conducted study trips to Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo, London and Prague; talks at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa; Mozarteum University Salzburg; ISSEI, Pamplona. Founder of Don Juan Archive in 1987. Projects include Wiener Brut (film, Vienna 1982); Constitutionis Theresianae Revocatio (performance, Vienna 1982); La Prétendante Chante (performance, Berlin 1984); Il Giudizio di Don Giovanni (opera - librettist & director, Ratisbon 1986); HIC SAXA LOQVVNTVR (architectural competition, Pfaffenberg - Berlin - Vienna - Venice, 1993-96); Eine Oper für Büropa (opera - librettist & director, Linz 1998); Fermata Greve Piazza (opera - librettist and director, Greve in Chianti, 2002).

Siglum: hew



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Letztes Update: 28.03.2024