Don Juan Archiv - Wien, Forschungsverlag
Südosteuropastudien IV

Southeast European Studies IV: Music, Theatre, Culture

 Herstory in southeast Europe


International and interdisciplinary roundtable

 2. Dezember 2015
Don Juan Archiv Wien, Beginn: 15:00


Organisation und Leitung: Tatjana Marković (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Don Juan Archiv Wien)


Herstory is embedded in the interdisciplinary and theoretical context of Gender and Women’s Studies. Poststructuralism brought new perspectives and interpretations to the text, among them an awareness of the politics of identity and the discovery of subordinated feminine voices as a critique of conventional patriarchal historiography. Herstory challenges the lack of gender balance in the canon and sheds light on the creative contributions of marginalized women. Unlike literary studies, where the discipline of Gender and Women’s Studies was first developed, awareness of gender issues is relatively new in musicology, entering the field with the turn towards a new or cultural musicology in the 1980s.
On this occasion, herstory will be introduced as a part of Balkan Studies with an exploration of female perspectives in literature (theatre, poetry) and music in southeast Europe. The voices of female composers and authors (a Sephardic playwright, or Albanian poets) and the voices of female characters on stage all embody the idea of self-representation and help us to understand the process of women’s transition from a marginalized minority to a rising alternative mainstream. The four presentations will be delivered in English or German.



Tatjana Marković (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Don Juan Archiv Wien)
Herstory and southeast European studies, Einleitende Worte

Ana Mitić (Don Juan Archiv Wien)
Female identities in translation: August von Kotzebue’s (1761–1819) "Die Spanier in Peru oder Rollas Tod"  in the Balkan context

Nela Kovačević, Belgrad
Female characters in the works of the Sephardic dramatist Laura Papo Bohoreta


Andrea Grill (Universität Wien)
Kinder der Diktatur: Poesie von Frauen in Albanien nach 1990

Leon Stefanija (Universität Ljubljana)
Female composers in Slovenia after 1991: What is feminine in their work?

Im Anschluss an die Vorträge wird zu Wein und Brot geladen.




 [Vorträge und Veranstaltungsreihen]

Letztes Update: 26.05.2023