Don Juan Archiv - Wien, Forschungsverlag
The Culture of Tito's Yugoslavia 1945-1980





Osman Hamdi Bey, Two Musician Girls, 1880. Oil on Canvas, 390 x 580 mm. Courtesy of Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Orientalist Painting Collection.
RIdIM Conference Istanbul 2013, Pera Museum; group photo, June 7th, 2013; photo: Pera Museum Istanbul

Konferenzen 2013

THE CULTURE OF TITO's yugoslavia 1945-1980

International Conference

18th - 20th October 2013, Vienna

Don Juan Archiv Wien

in cooperation with the Institute of Art History and Musicology,

Austrian Academy of Sciences

and the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität

Concept and Organization: Tatjana Markovic and Stefan Schmidl

For more information and the full programme please click here.




Visual intersections: negotiating East and West


Conference in honour and in memoriam of Walter Salmen (1926-2013)

5th - 7th June 2013, Istanbul


Pera Museum and Istanbul Research Institute
Meşrutiyet Caddesi No.65
34443 Tepebaşı - Beyoğlu - İstanbul


Association RIdIM (Repertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale), in association with Don Juan Archiv Wien, is organising the 14TH INTERNATIONAL RIdIM CONFERENCE ON MUSIC ICONOGRAPHY Visual intersections: negotiating East and West to be held in Istanbul (Turkey), 5 – 7 June 2013.

The Conference will present recent research on topics related to musical iconography, with particular attention to the following three themes:

Iconography and the study of musical instruments.

Music iconography of the East, including Byzantine and Ottoman Art and issues related to the exchange between East and West and the discourse on “Exotism” in visual sources.

The concept of object-oriented analyses in music iconography.


A dedicated database workshop is also offered and open to all scholars.

For more information and the full programme please click here.




[Konferenzen & Tagungen]

Letztes Update: 26.05.2023